I am a soul centered, self-love igniter, yogi goddess, with a passion to serve others. I am a vessel of grace who is in alignment with my spiritual assignments.
From this deep inner work, I learn, grow and then help my fellow sisters on their journeys.
I guide busy women to focus on living life with ease and grace; to no longer strive for perfection.
These days I wear many hats: wife, mom, friend, sister, teacher, healer & author.
Juggling all these roles does not come easy.
For as long as I can remember I always struggled with self-love, putting others before myself and being a great friend and teacher. But practicing what I what I was teaching or actually creating boundaries and learning the word NO didn’t come till much later.
After I had my daughter I realized just how important a spiritual practice would be. As time went on, I become less and less of a priority. Burning the candle at both ends you could say.
The result ---> No energy, no patience, not present
I was craving routine, a schedule, some sort of structure. Anything to make me feel human.
I finally understood.
I understood how easy it is to put myself last.
To not make it to my yoga mat
To not make it to drinks with my girlfriends
To not drink enough water
To not eat enough greens
To not get to hair salon
To not read a book for pleasure
Hell to not even shower everyday (<--- to much?) LOL
What I really understood was that I was sick of my own bullshit.
I bet you can relate......
So many of my teachers and meme’s on the internet always say;
true change doesn’t happen to you hit rock bottom,
when the student is ready the teacher will appear.
You’ve seen them and probably liked it, shared it or shook your head yes a million times.
It was crystal clear how important a spiritual self-love practice is and how truly vital it is to my wellbeing.
Not only for my sanity, but for all areas of my life. I am truly a better mom, wife, friend & teacher.
I have found my true passion and have been blessed with the chance to make this a reality.
In my sacred home office I honored to watch these powerful shifts unfold and to be able to connect and create a loving supportive community of grace chasers!