After I held my first retreat last fall, I received so many emails, messages and calls from women who saw the pictures or talked to their friends and were like I need this in my life.
"I wish I would have really known what "goes on" and what to "expect" because it looked amazing!!! "
Amazing it was, and since that was my first retreat I wasn't able to really give you a clear picture beforehand of what it would be like.
Sure I had a schedule and speakers and how I wanted it to play out it my mind, but there was no way I could really express to you the magic that took place that weekend.
It truly is an unforgettable experience of connection, self-love, and transformation.
It is the ultimate "ME" time and break from our busy lives, schedules and to-do lists.
So I wanted to share you with you what actually takes place so you can see if it would be a good fit for you!
We arrive Friday night, dinner is at 5pm but we don't actually start till 7pm so if Fridays are tough don't worry you have some extra time to get to us.
Welcome Party kicks us off, where you get seriously cool swag bags filled with goodies, meet new friends and get comfy in the space.
I lead a powerful opening talk, meditation and card reading. We will begin by talking about who we think we are supposed to be, what others in our lives expect from us and begin to peel back the layers of everyone else's truth.........
My friend Michelle from Studio E will then lead us through a Spontaneous Painting Chakra Meditation.
About 10pm we call it night, and traveling friends head home and we make it way back to our rooms. Some hang out on the back porch and talk some more, some head to bed and get much needed rest.
Optional Morning class of Beginner Yoga, then head up to the dinning hall for some breakfast. Saturday is packed day, this year we have some amazing speakers and my dear friends joining us to provide some top notch learning, healing, and growing. You can expect, Reiki, Journaling, Breaking the Binds of Anxiety & Stress, Kundalini Yoga, Mindful Movement, Meditation and so much more.
We being to restore from all the hard work we put in, we will have a nice long juicy restorative yoga class with calming music and meditation. We end by noon on Sunday so there is still time to make it back home and prepare for the week ahead.
And of course I still have a few surprises up my sleeve for you! It really will be an amazing time, and I hope if you were thinking of joining us this will help you make the decision.
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Registration closes March 31st but we are almost full. There are a few overnight spots and some day passes too.
Reach out and let me know if you are thinking of joining in on the fun.
